What good is a website if no one visits it?

Why invest money in a site that attracts very few potential clients?

Perhaps you’ve asked yourself how to increase traffic to your site and get your page to capture the attention of interested buyers.


Various resources exist to help manage this problem, but today we will focus on one of the most important tools: your blog!



Businesses all over the world have added blogs and original content with quality information to their sites. This not only attracts visitors; it also improves the reputation of the company.

The idea is to progress from product showcases to pages that aim to connect with a business’s audience.


Reason 1. Winning respect and a good reputation is a common desire among brands, and a blog can help with that.


Don’t write articles that focus entirely on your business.

– Reflect on your industry.
– Respond to frequently asked questions or common concerns.


 Here is an example:

If you decide to sell cell phones, your articles could focus on the latest global product launches, solutions to common problems, tutorials for configuring a device, or what to do if your phone accidentally falls into the water.

– Do not mention your business, your prices or your promotions.
– Your main purpose is to help, entertain, inform, and present new concepts to  your readers.


Reason 2. Your business will start to be a point of reference.



If someone searches online for what to do if their phone suddenly shuts itself off or the best way to save battery life, they might find your articles.

And they might think about your company when it’s time to get a new device.

The goal is to become a reference for your audience. To reach this benchmark, all you have to do is post interesting notes, and, again, they need to be carefully edited for style and quality.

It is also important to update your blog frequently.



Okay, great, but I don’t have time and still don’t know how to write well. Who will be writing the posts?

Good question!

In this case, you might want to hire a professional, a content editor dedicated exclusively to enriching your blog (with the necessary skills for the job).

This is an in-demand profile right now, and if you are not convinced whether you should hire someone full time, no problem!

There are millions of freelance writers working from home who can meet your expectations.

But remember, it doesn’t have to be written post; it can be a podcast, a video or a slideshow!


Reason 3. A “live” site ranks higher.


The more you write, the more pages you will add to your website. Without going into the technical details, a dynamic site (on a content level) performs better in search engines.

Keeping your site “live” helps Google to find you.

This means that if you post regularly, it will be easier for your audience to end up on your site.


On the other hand, if you do not keep adding new content, your site will not refresh and will keep dropping lower in position.


Off to Work!


This blog isn’t going to write itself, so get to work!

Now, your job is to define interesting post themes and ideas that are not centered on you or your business.

The important thing is to focus on your industry and, thus, make yourself a source of information.

Have we managed to convince you of all the opportunities a good blog can offer?

Then it’s time for you to become a genuine and enthusiastic blogger.




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